Tensors – Matrix Notation in Tensor Transformations


In special relativity one looks at coordinate transformations that consist of combinations of Lorentz boosts, rotations and reflections – members of the Lorentz group. Under an arbitrary transformation like that, a 4-vector $\vec{x}$ transforms as:

$$x'^\alpha = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\beta x^\beta$$

Where $\Lambda^\alpha{}_\beta$ is represents this transformation (is this a $(1,1)$ tensor itself?). This can be written in matrix form

$$x' = \Lambda x$$

Now, the basis vectors transform in another way:

$$\vec{e'_\alpha} = (\Lambda^{-1})^\beta{}_\alpha\vec{e_\beta}$$

A 1-form $\tilde{p}$ transforms like this too:

$$p'_\alpha = (\Lambda^{-1})^\beta{}_\alpha p_\beta$$

while the basis 1-forms obey

$$\omega'^\alpha = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\beta \omega^\beta$$

Anyway, for a tensor representable by a matrix, that is a $(0,2)$, $(2,0)$ or $(1,1)$ tensor, there are different transformation properties:

$$T'^{\alpha\beta} = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\gamma \Lambda^\beta{}_\delta T^{\gamma \delta}$$
$$T'_{\alpha\beta} = (\Lambda^{-1})^\gamma{}_\alpha (\Lambda^{-1})^\delta{}_\beta T_{\gamma \delta}$$
$$T'^{\alpha}{}_\beta = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\gamma (\Lambda^{-1})^\delta{}_\beta T^\gamma{} _\delta$$

My question is: how to translate these rules into matrix equations? I've seen formulas involving the transpose (no idea how that would even come about) of $\Lambda$ but never with an explanation where this came from. So how do I come up with the right order and transposes/inverses on the matrices?

Best Answer

Let us rearrange your $$T'^{\alpha\beta} = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\gamma \Lambda^\beta{}_\delta T^{\gamma \delta},$$ into $$T'^{\alpha\beta} = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\gamma T^{\gamma \delta}\Lambda^\beta{}_\delta,$$ and one step more $$T'^{\alpha\beta} = \Lambda^\alpha{}_\gamma T^{\gamma \delta}(\Lambda^{\top})_\delta{}^\beta{}.$$

In this last equation anyone could clearly see that to get the components of $T'$ one needs to multiply accordingly to $$T'=\Lambda T\Lambda^{\top}.$$

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