[Math] Matrix math syntax in wolfram alpha

derivativesmatriceswolfram alpha

I'm having trouble getting Wolfram Alpha to do my bidding with regard to matrix manipulations. I am trying to take the derivative of the following matrix expression with respect to m, and was hoping WolframAlpha could be used:

-(x-m)^T * E^-1 * (x-m)

…However, I cannot discover how to input matrices as variables, and do not know what to use for the transpose operator. (^T was used in this case. x and m are vectors, E is a symmetric matrix.)

Give a man a fish: How can this derivative be solved?

Teach a man to fish: How can I input such expressions into Wolfram Alpha?

If it helps, I know the solution should look something like (but may be off by some scalar constant):


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Although WolframAlpha might automatically think E is the number 2.71828....

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