[Math] Matlab upper and lower triangular matrix


I created an upper triangular matrix in U and a lower triangular matrix L from A matrix but when I go to make the inverse procedure in order to take my original matrix the matlab returns the right elements in right row and column but the rows are in wrong place. What I do wrong?

A=[1 -2 3;9 2 1;4 -3 2]

A =

 1    -2     3
 9     2     1
 4    -3     2

L =

1.0000         0         0
0.4444    1.0000         0
0.1111    0.5714    1.0000

U =

9.0000    2.0000    1.0000
     0   -3.8889    1.5556
     0         0    2.0000

P =

 0     1     0
 0     0     1
 1     0     0

B =

 9     2     1
 4    -3     2
 1    -2     3

C =

 9     2     1
 4    -3     2
 1    -2     3

Best Answer

MatLab does a strange trick, namely: $$ A=P^{-1}LU, $$ so just pose: $$ B=P^{-1}LU, $$ and verify that $A=B$.

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