[Math] Matlab Code to simulate trajectories of Ito process.


I need some help to generate a Matlab code in order to do the following question. Can somebody help me in this regard. Any sort of hint that could be helpful will surely be appreciated..

Q: "Simulate $N=25$ trajectories of the Ito Process X satisfying the following SDE

$dXt = \mu X_tdt + \sigma X_tdB_t.$

with $X_0=1$, $\mu=1.5$, $\sigma=1.0$ and their Euler approximations with equidistant time steps of size $\Delta=2^{-4}$ corresponding to the same sample paths of the Wiener process on the time interval $[0,T]$ for $T=1$. Evaluate the absolute error by the statistic defined below

m=$\frac1N$$\sum_{k=0}^N $|$X_{T,k}$-$Y_{T,k}$|

where $X_{T,k}$ and $Y_{T,k}$ respectively are the $k$-th simulated trajectories of Ito process and their Euler approximation corresponding to same sample paths of the Wiener process"

I have created the following code on Matlab for the above question. Can somebody correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.


mu=1.5; sigma=1; Xzero=1;

T=1; N=25; dt=T/N;






for j=2:N



Best Answer

The increment of Brownian motion $B_{t+ \Delta }- B_t$ is normally distributed with mean $0$ and standard deviation $\sqrt{\Delta}.$

Generate a sample path using the discrete Euler approximation:

$$X_{k+1}=X_{k} + \mu X_k \Delta + \sigma X_k\sqrt{\Delta}\xi\,\,(k=1,2,...),$$

where $\xi$ is a random number with a standard normal distribution.

To generate random samples for $\xi$, first generate a uniformly distributed random number $r \sim$ U(0,1) and take $\xi = N^{-1}(r)$ where $N$ is the standard normal distribution function.

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