[Math] mathematical symbol for vector appending


Given a vector $v=<1,2,3>$ I want to have a new vector $v'$, which is the vector $v$, appends with a number $4$. How should I represent $v'$ mathematically?

What I wish to have is something like
$v'=v^4=<1,2,3,4>$, where ^ is an appending symbol for vector (therefore my main question is, does it exist such "vector appending" symbol in maths?)

Best Answer

A fairly common notation for the concatenation of two sequences is $s^\frown t$. In the special case where $t$ consists of a single element $a$ you'd have $s^\frown\langle a\rangle$. The TeX code for the symbol $\frown$ is \frown, and to raise it to the desired level you'd make it a superscript.