[Math] Mathematical notation for length


I would like to write an equation to sum the values of each number in a vector divided by the length of the vector. What is the proper way to write this formula?

As an example, consider vector v:

v = [1, 2, 3, 4]

2.5 = 1/4 + 2/4 + 3/4 + 4/4

Is this the proper way to write this?

$$\sum_{i=1}^N \frac{i}{length}$$

Best Answer

As noted, this is the arithmetic mean of the elements in $v$. You can indicate this in a number of ways such as:

$$\sum_{x\in v} \frac{x}{|v|} = \sum_{i=1}^{|v|} \frac{v_i}{|v|}$$