[Math] Mathematical induction: using 3 cent and 7 cent stamps

discrete mathematicsinduction

Use mathematical induction (and proof by division into cases) to show that any postage of at least 12 cents can be obtained using 3 cent and 7 cent stamps.

I thought this was the simple kind of induction but came to realize it wasn't. I think the term I found on the internet was strong induction. I am specially confused about the cases part.

Best Answer

$n=12$ is obvious.

For $n+1$, we have by hypothesis that


If $q\geq 2$, $ \quad n+1=3p+7(q-2)+15=3(p+5)+7(q-2)$

If $q=1$, $ \quad n+1=3p+7+1=3(p-2)+6+8=3(p-2)+14=3(p-2)+7(2) \quad$ (Note that $p \geq 2$ necessarily)

If $q=0$, $\quad n+1=3p+1=3(p-2)+6+1=3(p-2)+7 \quad $ (Again, $p \geq 2$ necessarily)