[Math] $\mathbb{Z}$ under finite-complement topology [CSIR-2015]


Consider the set $\mathbb{Z}$ of integers with the topology $\tau$ in which a subset is closed iff it is empty, or $\mathbb{Z}$, or finite. Which of the following is true?

  1. $\tau$ is the subspace topology induced from the usual topology on $\mathbb{R}$.

  2. $\mathbb{Z}$ is compact in the topology $\tau$.

  3. $\mathbb{Z}$ is hausdorff in the topology $\tau$.

  4. Every infinite subset of $\mathbb{Z}$ is dense in the topology $\tau$.

I think 1 is true since any closed set in $\tau$ is $\mathbb{Z}\cap [a,b]$(or a finite union of these sets of this type) a,b integers(for finite sets) or the entire real line when the closed set is entire
$\mathbb{Z}$ .

Since any non-trivial open set is basically $\mathbb{Z}$-{a finite set of integers}.

3 is false because given two integers $a,b$ if i try to look for two disjoint open sets $U_a$,$U_b$ they will always have a infinite number of points in their intersection.

4 is true since if i take any open set in $\tau$(which is of the above type) it must intersect a infinite subset of $\mathbb{Z}$.

I am not able to say anything about compactness. Further are all of the above reasoning correct?

Best Answer

1 is not true:

Since when $\mathbb Z$ is given subspace topology it becomes discrete i.e every one point sets are both closed and open which is not true with $\tau$.

$\tau $ is compact since if you consider the open cover $\{U_{\alpha}:\alpha \in I\}$ then $\mathbb Z\setminus U_{\alpha}$ is finite and hence the remaining points can be covered with finite number of elements from $I$

Rest are fine

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