[Math] Master theorem solving

algorithmsasymptoticscomputer sciencerecurrence-relations

I'm starting to study the master theorem, why does something like

$$T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)$$

solves to

$$f(n)^{\log_ba}$$ ?

I'm a bit confused on the resolution

Best Answer

The right way to think about this is that we reduce the original problem, of size $n$, to $a$ separate problems of size $n/b$, and we do this recursively. At stage $i$, there are $a^i$ problems of size $n b^{-i}$. For each such problem, we need to do something which costs $f(x)$ on a problem of size $x$. Hence, the total cost at level $i$ is $a^i f(n b^{-i})$.

This recursion has $\log_b n$ levels, so the total work consumed at all levels is $$ \sum_{i=0}^{\log_b n} a^i f(n b^{-i}) $$

Depending on the growth of $f$, this is basically a geometric series.

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