[Math] Markov Chain Steady State 3×3

markov chainsmarkov-process

I have been learning markov chains for a while now and understand how to produce the steady state given a 2×2 matrix.

For example given the matrix,

[.5 .5] 
[.8 .2]

To find the steady state it will be

[x,y] * [.5 .5] = [x,y]
        [.8 .2]

.5x + .8y = x
.5(1-y) + .8y = 1-y

Knowing that x + y = 1, I can do substitution and elimination to get the values of x and y.

However for a 3×3 matrix, I am confused how I could compute the steady state. I will like to have an example with steps given this sample matrix :

 [.5 .4 .1] 
 [.6 .2 .2]
 [.5 .3 .2] 

Best Answer

Solve the 3x3 linear system

          [.5 .4 .1]
[x,y,z] * [.6 .2 .2] = [x,y,z]   with  x+y+z = 1
          [.5 .3 .2]