[Math] mapping cones of chain homotopic maps


Suppose that $ f $ and $ f' : C \to D $ are morphisms of chain complexes; Cone($f$) is the mapping cone of $f$; if $f$ and $f'$ are chain homotopic, what is the relation between Cone($f$) and Cone($f'$) ?

Best Answer

I see this is an old question (possibly a homework), but I found it while googling something else, so let me write down an answer, since I think the comments above are not 100% correct. If you have a chain homotopy between morphisms of complexes $f, f'\colon C_\bullet \to D_\bullet$, then you can use this chain homotopy to construct by hand a (noncanonical) isomorphism of complexes $Cone (f) \cong Cone (f')$.

A chain homotopy between $f$ and $f'$ is a family of morphisms $h_n\colon C_n\to D_{n+1}$ such that

$$\tag{*} f_n - f_n' = d_{n+1}^D \circ h_n + h_{n-1} \circ d_n^C.$$

Now $Cone (f)$ and $Cone (f')$ are built of objects $D_n \oplus C_{n-1}$ and differentials \begin{align*} d_n &= \begin{pmatrix} d_n^D & f_{n-1} \\ 0 & -d_{n-1}^C \end{pmatrix} : D_n \oplus C_{n-1} \to D_{n-1} \oplus C_{n-2} , \\ \quad d_n' &= \begin{pmatrix} d_n^D & f_{n-1}' \\ 0 & -d_{n-1}^C \end{pmatrix} : D_n \oplus C_{n-1} \to D_{n-1} \oplus C_{n-2} , \end{align*} where we are using the matrix notation for linear maps between direct sums (i.e., if $p : X \to Z$, $q : X \to W$, $r : Y \to Z$ and $s : Y \to W$ are any four linear maps, then $\begin{pmatrix} p & q \\ r & s \end{pmatrix}$ denotes the linear map from $X \oplus Y$ to $Z \oplus W$ that acts as $p + q$ on $X$ and acts as $r + s$ on $Y$).

We can define a morphism

$$u_n = \begin{pmatrix} id_{D_n} & h_{n-1} \\ 0 & id_{C_{n-1}} \end{pmatrix}\colon Cone (f) \to Cone (f')$$

It's easy to check that it is a morphism of complexes (multiply the matrices and use the identity (*)). In the other direction, you can define a morphism of complexes

$$v_n = \begin{pmatrix} id_{D_n} & -h_{n-1} \\ 0 & id_{C_{n-1}} \end{pmatrix}\colon Cone (f') \to Cone (f)$$

Now you just multiply matrices to see that $u_\bullet$ and $v_\bullet$ are mutually inverse maps of complexes, QED.

And a similar thing which is used sometimes: if in general, you have a square of morphisms of complexes

$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} B_\bullet @>f_\bullet>> C_\bullet\\ @VVu_\bullet V @VVv_\bullet V\\ D_\bullet @>g_\bullet>> E_\bullet \end{CD}$$

that commutes up to homotopy (i.e. there is some chain homotopy $v_\bullet \circ f_\bullet \simeq g_\bullet \circ u_\bullet$), then you can use this chain homotopy to write down a morphism $Cone (f) \to Cone (g)$ that gives you a commutative diagram (with the two squares commuting strictly)

$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} 0 @>>> C_\bullet @>>> Cone (f) @>>> B_\bullet [-1] @>>> 0\\ @. @VVv_\bullet V @VV V @VVu_\bullet[-1]V \\ 0 @>>> E_\bullet @>>> Cone (g) @>>> D_\bullet [-1] @>>> 0\\ \end{CD}$$

The formula for this morphism is something like $\begin{pmatrix} v_n & h_{n-1} \\ 0 & u_{n-1} \end{pmatrix}$.

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