[Math] Map (-1500, 1500) on scale of (0, 100).


I've a minimum value = -1500 & maximum value 1500.

Now, I've a scale of 0 to 100.

How can I map my min & max value to this scale.

That is, if I select 99 on scale, it should return 99% of the value that lies between (-1500, 1500).

P.S. -As you have guess by now, I'm not good in Maths. So please frame ur answer that I can understand.

Thank You

Best Answer

Think of this in two steps: Step one is to shrink your interval down to the right width, and step two is to shift your interval over to fit in the right space.

Shrink: The total distance between your maximum value (1500) and minimum value (-1500) is 3000. You need to fit that into the space between 0 and 100, which is only 1/30 of the total distance you need. So you need to divide everything by 30.

Shift: After dividing everything by 30, your minimum value is now -50 and your maximum value is now 50. To get everything to be between 0 and 100, just add 50.

Summary: If $x$ is the value between -1500 and 1500, compute $x/30 + 50$ and it will give you a value between 0 and 100.

To go in the other direction, reverse the steps: Choose a value between 0 and 100, subtract 50, and multiply the result by 30 to get a value between -1500 and 1500.