[Math] Make two sine waves equal perpendicular distance apart


I'm trying to create two sine waves A and B such that all A[x] is equidistant to B[x].

Adding a constant to the second equation does not work:

graph sin(x) and sin(x)+0.5

The distance between the diagonal lines seem similar, but the crest and troughs are different.

Adding another wave function seems to get closer, but still not exact:

graph y=sin(x) and y=sin(x)+0.2cos^2(x)+0.5

Okay so it seems like there's no such wave that can fit the my description, so I'm wondering how I would calculate B[x] given A[x].

In my comment below I know how to create the second wave, but I'm unsure how to obtain a point on B given x.

Best Answer

What you are seeking are parallel curves to $y=\sin x$.

In general, for a curve given parametrically by $x=f(t), y=g(t)$, one parallel curve a distance $a$ from it is given by $$ x= f(t)+\frac{ag'(t)}{\sqrt {{f'(t)}^2+{g'(t)}^2}} \\ y=g(t)-\frac{af'(t)}{\sqrt {{f'(t)}^2+{g'(t)}^2}}. $$ The other parallel curve at this distance is given by taking $-a$.

For the sine curve $x=t, y=\sin t$, these give $$ x(t)=t+\frac{a \cos t}{\sqrt{1+\cos^2 t}},\,y(t)=\sin t + \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\cos^2 t}}. $$ For small $a$, you get a curve similar to a sine curve. Here is $y=\sin x$ with its parallel curves for $a=\frac{1}{2}$. y=sin x with its two parallel curves at a distance of 1/2

For larger $a$, the curve gets weirder, like this, with $a=2$: enter image description here

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