[Math] Magnitude of the differential arc segment in spherical coordinates

coordinate systemsvectors

This has always bugged me. What is the magnitude of a vector in spherical coordinates?

In Cartesian this is simple, $\vert \mathbf x\vert =\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}$

Solutions I have read online say that the magnitude of

$$r\,{\rm d}r (\hat r) + r \,{\rm d}\theta (\hat\theta) + r \sin(\theta) \,{\rm d}\phi (\hat\phi)$$

is simply the square root of the dot product

$$\vert\mathbf x\vert=\sqrt{r^2 \,{\rm d}r^2 + (r\,{\rm d}\theta)^2 + (r \sin(\theta) \,{\rm d}\phi)^2}$$

I don't know why but I have a very difficult time believing this. Cartesian its true by Pythagorean theorem but this just doesn't seem correct to me.

By linear algebra it would seem to be accurate as well since a vector's dot product with itself is just the magnitude squared. I guess a proof of this would be nice; can anyone shed light on this?

Best Answer

Your intuition did not fail you, the formula in your question was incorrect indeed. The correct formula for a 3D metric in polar coordinates is:

$${\rm d}s=\sqrt{{\rm d}r^2 + (r\,{\rm d}\theta)^2 + (r \sin(\theta) \,{\rm d}\phi)^2}$$

In case of an arc on the surface of a sphere, $\,{\rm d}r=0\,$ and you have:

$${\rm d}s=r\sqrt{{\rm d}\theta^2 + (sin(\theta) \,{\rm d}\phi)^2}$$

Both still are the same Pythagorian theorem, if you look at them closely.

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