[Math] lways isomorphism between two sets that have the same cardinality


Is there always isomorphism between two sets that has the same cardinality ?

We only know that the two sets have the same cardinality. I tried to find a counter example but couldn't.

Best Answer

By definition there is always a bijection between two sets of the same cardinality, Otherwise they wouldn't have the same cardinality.

However, calling it an "isomorphism" suggests that you're looking for a bijection that preserves some kind of additional structure, and until you tell us which kind of additional structure you want preserved, the question can't really be answered.

For most practically occurring cases, I think the answer will be "no, there exist non-isomorphic such-and-suches with the same cardinality". But there are pathological corner cases where this is not the case, for example if we consider isomorphisms between standard models of the pure predicate calculus with equality over the empty language.

Or, somewhat less trivially: For any finite field $K$, if two vector spaces over $K$ have the same cardinality, then they're isomorphic as $K$-vector spaces.

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