[Math] LU factorization of a 3×3 matrix

linear algebramatricesmatrix decomposition

This is the matrix which I'm trying to LU decompose by Gaussian elimination.
2&1 &-4 \\
2&1 &-2 \\
6&3 &-11
I get to this by performing the row operations:
2&1 &-4 \\
2&1 &-2 \\
6&3 &-11
\end{pmatrix} \sim \begin{pmatrix}
2 &1 &-4 \\
0&0 &2 \\
0&0 &1
\end{pmatrix} = U $$

$$\therefore L = \begin{pmatrix}
1 &0 &0 \\
1&1 &0 \\
3&0 &1

This is however obviously incorrect since $$LU\neq A$$
I sslo attempted this problem using partial pivoting but run into the same problem. Can someone guide me where I'm making a mistake and how do I proceed to finding the LU decomposition? p.s. I'm relatively new to Linear Algebra and LU decomposition.

Best Answer

You miscopied $-4$ as $4$ in $U$. Once you fix this, $LU=A$.