[Math] Lower bound on the probability that the maximum of a sequence of $n$ i.i.d. standard normal r.v.’s exceeds $x$

normal distributionprobability theory

Let $X_{\max}=\max(X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n)$ where $n$ is large and each $X_i$ is i.i.d. standard normal random variable, i.e. $X_i\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1)$. Is there a lower bound on the probability $P(X_{\max}\geq x)$ using elementary functions in terms of $n$ and constant $x$ independent of $n$?

My guess is that there is a lower bound is in the form $P(X_{\max}\geq x)\geq e^{-x/\sqrt{\log n}}$, however, I am wondering if that is true, and, if it is, how to prove it. I am pretty new to the extreme value theory, and would appreciate any help.

Best Answer

$$ \Pr(\max>x) = 1-\Pr(\max\le x) = 1-\Pr(\text{for }i=1,\ldots, n,\quad X_i\le x) $$ $$ = 1-\Big(\Pr(X_1\le x)\Big)^n = 1 - \Big(\Phi(x)\Big)^n. $$

If you mean a computationally efficient lower bound, it might make sense to ask about computationally efficient upper bounds on $\Phi(x)$. Things like that are known.

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