Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic – Gaining Intuition


I'm sorry ahead if time if this is overly trivial for this site.

Currently in school, much of what I enjoy is number theory – based. Currently, I lean pretty heavily on the FTA for a good deal of my understanding and proofs. That being said, recently I've realized my intuition behind the FTA is somewhat lacking. I can prove the theorem many ways, but still have trouble "seeing" or "visualizing" the uniqueness of the FTA. This is largely because I use the FTA to understand the ideas behind the proofs used in the uniqueness part of the proof of the FTA itself. Ie, I have a bad case of circular reasoning. For example, a typical way to show uniqueness is based on the fact that if $p$ is prime, $p \mid ab \implies p \mid a$ or $p \mid b$, but I use the FTA to understand this idea.

What I'm looking for, is some intuition behind the uniqueness of the FTA so that I may be able to understand it at a very intuitive level. I'm just appealing to the wiser, who may understand this through and through and may be able to offer some valuable insight on how they view the idea.

Thank you in advance for all that took the time to read this and/or offer insight

-typed using ipad, sorry for typos

Best Answer

There are many properties that are equivalent to uniqueness of factorization in $\,\Bbb Z.\:$ Below is a sample off the top of my head (by no means complete). Each provides a slightly different perspective on why uniqueness holds - perspectives that becomes clearer when one sees how these equivalent properties bifurcate in more general integral domains. Below we use the notation $\rm\:(a,b)=1\:$ to mean that $\rm\:a,b\:$ are coprime, i.e. $\rm\:c\mid a,b\:\Rightarrow\:c\mid 1.$

$\rm(1)\ \ \ gcd(a,b)\:$ exists for all $\rm\:a,b\ne 0\ \ $ [GCD domain]

$\rm(2)\ \ \ a\mid BC\:\Rightarrow a=bc,\ b\mid B,\ c\mid C\ \ \, $ [Schreier refinement, Euler's four number theorem]

$\rm(3)\ \ \ a\,\Bbb Z + b\, \Bbb Z\, =\, c\,\Bbb Z,\:$ for some $\rm\,c\quad\ $ [Bezout domain]

$\rm(4)\ \ \ (a,b)=1,\ a\mid bc\:\Rightarrow\: a\mid c\qquad\ \ $ [Euclid's Lemma]

$\rm(5)\ \ \ (a,b)=1,\ \dfrac{a}{b} = \dfrac{c}{d}\:\Rightarrow\: b\mid d\quad\ \ $ [Unique Fractionization]

$\rm(6)\ \ \ (a,b)=1,\ a,b\mid c\:\Rightarrow\: ab\mid c$

$\rm(7)\ \ \ (a,b)=1\:\Rightarrow\: a\,\Bbb Z\cap b\,\Bbb Z\, =\, ab\,\Bbb Z $

$\rm(8)\ \ \ gcd(a,b)\ \ exists\:\Rightarrow\: lcm(a,b)\ \ exists$

$\rm(9)\ \ \ (a,b)=1=(a,c)\:\Rightarrow\: (a,bc)= 1$

$\rm(10)\ $ atoms $\rm\, p\,$ are prime: $\rm\ p\mid ab\:\Rightarrow\: p\mid a\ \ or\ \ p\mid b$

Which of these properties sheds the most intuitive light on why uniqueness of factorization entails? If I had to choose one, I would choose $(2),$ Schreier refinement. If you extend this by induction it implies that any two factorizations of an integer have a common refinement. For example if we have two factorizations $\rm\: a_1 a_2 = n = b_1 b_2 b_3\:$ then Schreier refinement implies that we can build the following refinement matrix, where the column labels are the product of the elements in the column, and the row labels are the products of the elements in the row

$$\begin{array}{c|ccc} &\rm b_1 &\rm b_2 &\rm b_3 \\ \hline \rm a_1 &\rm c_{1 1} &\rm c_{1 2} &\rm c_{1 3}\\ \rm a_2 &\rm c_{2 1} &\rm c_{2 2} &\rm c_{2 3}\\ \end{array}$$

This implies the following common refinement of the two factorizations

$$\rm a_1 a_2 = (c_{1 1} c_{1 2} c_{1 3}) (c_{2 1} c_{2 2} c_{2 3}) = (c_{1 1} c_{2 1}) (c_{1 2} c_{2 2}) (c_{1 3} c_{2 3}) = b_1 b_2 b_3.$$

This immediately yields the uniqueness of factorizations into primes (atoms). It also works more generally for factorizations into coprime elements, and for factorizations of certain types of algebraic structures (abelian groups, etc).

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