[Math] Looking for GF(16), GF(32) … GF (256) tables


I'm learning about Galois Fields by implementing the code to create the addition/multiplication/log/ilog tables. I've got working code but I cannot find many of the actual Galois Field tables online to verify I'm calculating the tables correctly.

I've got GF(8) from Wolfram Alpha. However, when I try GF(16), GF(32), etc. I get grayscale images instead of actual tables, presumably because the tables themselves become too unwieldy.

Is there a site online where these tables are listed? Or, source code that has these tables? Or alternatively, open source software that I can run to generate these tables?

Best Answer

For posterity, the GF(256) table from thonky.com using the generator 100011101:


With an actual number list, I was able to have my code automatically check for correct calculation instead of doing it "by hand".