Recreational Mathematics – Logic Puzzle of the Age of Three Sons


There is a puzzle, it goes something like this:

Someone talks to a guy, and asks, Give me the age of my three sons,
The other guy asks for some clues:

  • The product of the age of the three sons (of someone) is equal to 36.

"I can't figure out their ages." says solver…

  • The sum of the ages of the three brothers is the same as the number of windows you can see in this building (points to some building).

"I still can't figure out their
ages." says solver…

  • The oldest has blue eyes.

"Now I know their ages." says solver!.

So, I do not have any clue of how to solve this logic puzzle…

How to link the number of windows in a building with the product of their ages?, or how would be the approach?…

Any idea?

Best Answer

Well, first off, let's list all the possible combination of ages (and their sum):

$1,1,36; 38$
$1,2,18; 21$
$1,3,12; 16$
$1,4,9; 14$
$1,6,6; 13$
$2,2,9; 13$
$2,3,6; 11$
$3,3,4; 10$

I'm not sure what to make of the building one, but note the specific wording in the third clue: "older". The only reason you would say "older" when referring to THREE people (you would typically use "oldest") means that two of them must be twins. So, you now have three possibilities left:

$1,1,36; 38$
$2,2,9; 13$
$3,3,4; 10$

I don't know how to use the building clue to pare the choices down to one.

That help?

EDIT: Apparently, "older" should be "oldest". In that case, the solution could be any of them but one. In addition, the missing piece is that if the person solving the puzzle knows the number of windows in the building but still cant figure it out, then the two possibilities are:

$1,6,6; 13$
$2,2,9; 13$

At this point, the remark about "oldest" rules out the first one and leaves only $2,2,9$ as the correct answer.

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