[Math] Locus of complex numbers $z$ with restricted $(z+1-i)/(z-1-i)$

complex numberslocus


Describe the locus of the following points on the Argand diagram:

$$\left|\frac{(z+1-i)}{(z-1-i)}\right| = 1$$ and

$$\mathrm{arg}\left[\frac{(z+1+i)}{(z-1-i)}\right] = \pm \frac{\pi}{2}.$$


I've tried putting $z = x+iy $ then rationalising the denominator by multiplying by the conjugate which gave me some numbers, but I'm not sure what to do with them.

I would really love some help on these 2 questions, all responses much appreciated!

Best Answer

to answer the second one $$arg\left({z + 1 + i \over z - 1 -i} \right) = \pm {\pi \over 2}$$ is a circle with diameter $1+i, -1-i.$

here is how you can see this: let $${z + 1 + i \over z - 1 -i} = ki \text{ where $k$ is a real number}$$ you can dove for $z$ and get $$z = {-ki +k - 1 -i\over 1 -ki} = {[k-1 -i(k+1)] \over 1 - ik} = {[k-1 -i(k+1)](1 + ik) \over 1 + k^2} \\= {k-1 + k(k+1) + i[k(k-1)-(k+1)] \over 1 + k^2} = {k^2+ 2k - 1 + i(k^2 - 2k - 1) \over 1 + k^2}$$

if $z = x = iy,$ then $$x = {k^2 - 1 + 2k \over k^2 + 1}, y = {k^2 - 1 - 2k \over k^2 + 1} $$ which gives $$x^2 + y^2 = { 2(k^2 - 1)^2 + 8k^2 \over (k^2 + 1)^2} = { 2(k^2 + 1)^2 \over (k^2 + 1)^2} = 2$$ as claimed at the beginning.

if you look at the geometry of the problem, it says the angle subtended by the point $z$ by the points $\pm(1+i)$ is $90^\circ$ which is the locus of a circle. to derive it algebraically i had to go through all the trouble.

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