[Math] Locus of centres of circles that touch two intersecting circles


let C1, C2 be two circles that intersect each other so we get two Points P1, P2 that lie on both circles.

Now we construct a circle $C_i$ with center $M_i$ so that this circle tangents C1 and C2 from inside.
How can I mathematically find the locus of all the $M_i$ for those circles?

I thought about something like:

the distance from every $M_i$ to the Point where $C_i$ touches C1 has the same length as the distance from $M_i$ to the Point where the same $C_i$ touches C2…?

Best Answer

... Thus the difference of the distances to the circles' centers is constant. The locus is therefore part of a hyperbola having the centers of the circles as focii. In fact, it is subarcs of a branch on this hyperbola.

Of course, points $P_i$ are points of these subarcs.