[Math] “locally” operator in “locally path-connected space”


For any property p of topological spaces, p implies locally p.

topospaces.subwiki.org. Locally operator

Locally path-connected space … This property is obtained by applying
the locally operator to the property: path-connected space

topospaces.subwiki.org. Locally path-connected space

This space is obviously path-connected, but it is not locally


This seems like a contradiction.

Best Answer

The definition in the first link: property $p$ holds locally if for each $x \in X$ there exists a neighborhood $U \ni x$ such that $p$ holds on $U$. Then it is obvious that if $p$ holds (on the full space) it will also hold locally, just take $U = X$. An example of such a property is compactness.

Now the definition of local (path-)connectedness uses a different (stronger) notion of "locally", as Yuki spelled out. In the first link this is called a "strongly locally operator".