Differential Geometry – Locally Isometric is Not a Symmetric Relation


The relation of being locally isometric for Riemannian manifolds is reflexive and transitive. Is it symmetric? Can you give me an example?

Best Answer

This depends on the precise definition of the relation "$M$ and $N$ are locally isometric". For the first two definitions that sprang to my mind, the answer is "no."

If one defines "$M$ and $N$ are locally isometric if there exists a local isometry $f:M\to N$", then the relation is not symmetric. Consider, say, a closed complete hyperbolic manifold $M$. In particular, the projection map $\mathbb{H}^n\to M$ is a local isometry, but there is no local isometry $M\to \mathbb{H}^n$, for there is not even a local diffeomorphism $M\to\mathbb{H}^n$ (choose a reference point $r\in\mathbb{H}^n$ and consider $df$ at a point $p\in M$ where $d(f(p),r)$ is maximized).

(This argument works for any closed complete Riemannian manifold with infinite-diameter universal cover.)

If one defines "$M$ and $N$ are locally isometric if for any $m\in M$ there exists an $n\in N$ and neighborhoods $U_p\ni p$, $U_q\ni q$ such that $U_p$ is isometric to $U_q$", then the relation is also not symmetric. Daniel Fischer provides a counterexample in the comments.

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