[Math] Locally constant sheaves over an irreducible space is constant.


In Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry Chapter II Proposition 6.15: If $X$ is an integral scheme, the homomorphism $CaCl X \rightarrow Pic X$ is an isomorphism.

In the proof he wants to prove that $\mathcal L \otimes \mathcal K= \mathcal K$. It is clear that on an open cover $\{U_i\}$ $(\mathcal L \otimes \mathcal K)|_{U_i}\cong \mathcal K$.

From this he concludes that $\mathcal L \otimes \mathcal K \cong \mathcal K$, which follows from a general fact that if "$X$ is irreducible, a sheaf whose restriction to each open set of a covering of $X$ is constant, (*) to is in fact a constant sheaf".

Can someone please give a proof of the above fact that locally constant sheaves over an irreducible space is actually constant .

  • I guess Harthsorne wants to say that it is isomorphic to a constant sheaf.

Best Answer

Hint. If $X$ is irreducible, it has a generic point, that is a point $\xi$ contained in every non empty open set. Then, recall that a constant sheaf is a sheaf whose sections (viewed as functions) are locally constant.