[Math] Locally closed immersions are locally of finite type


I am writing the proof that locally closed immersions are of finite type but I am stuck at minor detail. I would like that either (1) preimages of open affines by open immersions be quasicompact or (2) that given an affine $Spec\, A$ in the source of a closed immersion it would be possible to find an affine in the target whose preimage is exactly $Spec \, A$.

Here is why:

To show that the locally closed immersion $Z\overset{\rho}{\rightarrow} W\overset{\tau}{\rightarrow} X$ is of finite type, where $\rho$ is closed and $\tau$ is open, by definition, we must show that for any open affine $Spec\,C$ in the target and open affine $Spec\,A$ in the preimage the induced map of structure sheaves $(\tau\rho)^\#:C\rightarrow A$ makes $A$ into a finitely generated $C$-algebra.

Now, what I need is to get my hands on an open affine $Spec\,B \subset \tau^{-1}(Spec\,C)$ such that $\rho^{-1} (Spec\, B) = Spec\, A$. If this were true, then it would follow trivially from $A\rightarrow B$ being a surjection that $A$ is a finitely generated $B$-algebra. Since $Spec\,B$ is quasicompact, we would be able to cover it by finitely many distinguished open sets $D(f_i)$ such that $\tau (\bigcup D(f_i)) = \bigcup D(\tau^\# (f_i)) = A_{\prod f_i}\Rightarrow B=A_{\prod f_i}$, so that $A$ is clearly a finitely generated $C$ algebra.

But how do fill the gap in my argument?

Best Answer

Sorry I haven't read your proof (it looks a little bit clumsy). I would prove it as follows:

Locally of finite type morphisms are closed under composition. Hence, it suffices to prove that closed immersions and open immersions are of finite type. For closed immersions, this is clear: Simply use that $A/I$ is a finitely generated $A$-algebra for every ideal $I$ of a commutative ring $A$ (in fact, $\emptyset$ is a generating system!).

Now let $U \to X$ be an open immersion. By may work locally on $X$, so let us assume that $X=\mathrm{Spec}(A)$ is affine. Then $ U = \cup_i D(f_i)$ is a union of basic-open subsets. Each $D(f_i)$ is affine and of finite type over $X$, since $A_{f_i}$ is a finitely generated $A$-algebra (namely, generated by $f_i^ {-1}$). Hence, $U \to X$ is locally of finite type.