[Math] Localization of $K[x,y|x^2-y^3]$ and $K[x,y|xy]$ at $\langle x,y\rangle$ and non-zero-divisors (exercise in SICA)


In Greuel & Pfister's A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra, p. 38, there is written:

(1) Consider the two rings
$$ A=\mathbb C[x,y]/\langle x^2-y^3\rangle\text{ and } B=\mathbb C[x,y]/\langle xy\rangle$$
and the multiplicative sets:

  • $S$ the set of non-zerodivisors of $A$, respecrively of $B$, and
  • $T:= A\backslash \langle x,y\rangle_A$, respectively $T:=B\backslash\langle x,y\rangle_B$.

Determine the localizations of $A$ and $ B$ with respect to $T$ and $S$.

(2) Are any two of the six rings $A,B,S^{-1}A,S^{-1}B,T^{-1}A,T^{-1}B$ isomorphic?

So we have rings
$$\begin{array}{l l}
R_1:= K[x,y|x^2\!-\!y^3], & R_4:= K[x,y|xy],\\
R_2:= K[x,y|x^2\!-\!y^3]_{\langle x,y\rangle}, & R_5:= K[x,y|xy]_{\langle x,y\rangle},\\
R_3:= Q(K[x,y|x^2\!-\!y^3]), & R_6:= Q(K[x,y|xy]).\\

Question: How can one determine these localizations, whatever that means? How can I simplify?

The polynomial $x^2\!-\!y^3$ is irreducible, so $\langle x^2\!-\!y^3\rangle \unlhd K[x,y]$ is a prime ideal. Hence $R_1$ is a domain, $R_3$ is a field, and $R_1 \subseteq R_2 \subseteq R_3$, so all three rings are domains. But $R_4,R_5,R_6$ contain $x,y$ with $xy=0$, so they are not domains, hence $R_i \ncong R_{3+j}$ for any $i,j\!\in\!\{1,2,3\}$. Furthermore, $R_1$ contains maximal ideals $\langle x,y\rangle$ and $\langle x\!-\!1,y\!-\!1\rangle$ (we have $x^2\!-\!y^3= (x\!+\!1)(x\!-\!1)-(y^2\!+\!y\!+\!1)(y\!-\!1)$), but $R_2$ is local, i.e. contains only one maximal ideal, hence $R_1\ncong R_2$. Similarly, $R_1\ncong R_3$, since $R_3$ contains only one prime ideals (namely $0$), and $R_2\ncong R_3$, by the argument of the number of ideals.

Question: how can I distinguish between $R_4,R_5,R_6$?

Best Answer

It is not hard to show that the set of zerodivisors of the ring $\mathbb C[x,y]$ with $xy=0$ is the union of the prime ideals $(x)$ and $(y)$. (One knows this without any proof since the set of zerodivisors is the union of associated prime ideals and it's easily seen that $(XY)=(X)\cap(Y)$.) Then $S$, the set of non-zerodivisors of $\mathbb C[x,y]$, is nothing but $\mathbb C[x,y]-(x)\cup(y)$. In particular, this shows that the total ring of fractions $S^{-1}\mathbb C[x,y]$ is a semilocal ring having exactly two maximal ideals. Now all it's done.

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