[Math] Listing methods to prove that two groups are not isomorphic


Topic: listing methods to prove that two groups are not isomorphic.

I understand that by nature, my question won't have one answer but more a list of answers. However I think that it is interesting to list properties that can be used to prove that two groups are not isomorphic.

Starting with some that come on top of my head:

  1. Using cardinality: the two groups have different cardinals.
  2. Using order of elements: one group has an element of a given order and not the second one.
  3. More generally using order of subgroups
  4. Using universal properties like commutativity

Best Answer

Basically any property that is preserved by group isomorphisms will do. This includes:

  • order of elements
  • commutativity
  • amount of subgroups of a certain (finite) order
  • amount of Sylow p-subgroups
  • cardinality of the group
  • being cyclic (2 cyclic groups of same cardinality are isomorphic)
  • order of subgroups

Another method (for finite groups) is to look at character tables. If two groups have different character tables, they can't be isomorphic. Notice that the converse is false: two groups can have the same character table without being isomorphic (If I remember correctly $D_8$ and $Q_8$ are a counterexample when considering the character table for the complex irreducibel representations, but correct me if I'm wrong!)

In practice, one can look at special subgroups like the center and normalisator of a group, as these are often easier to understand than the entire group.

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