Finite Groups – How to List Conjugacy Classes in GAP?


I have a permutation group $G$, a subgroup of $S_{81}$, defined by a set of 6 specific permutations.

This permutation group has order 2592, and 54 Conjugacy Classes.

I can obtain a class representative for each with $ConjugacyClasses(G)$, but I would also like to get a complete list of the members for each class.

I confess to not having any background in group theory, so am having trouble getting this info from the GAP documentation, so would appreciate some guidance here.

Best Answer

Let's create some group as an example:

gap> G:=Group((1,9,6,7,5)(2,10,3,8,4), (1,10,7,8)(2,9,4,6));
Group([ (1,9,6,7,5)(2,10,3,8,4), (1,10,7,8)(2,9,4,6) ])

It has 8 conjugacy classes of elements:

gap> cc:=ConjugacyClasses(G);
[ ()^G, (3,4,9,7)(5,8,6,10)^G, (3,5,9,6)(4,10,7,8)^G, (3,9)(4,7)(5,6)(8,10)^G,
  (2,3,9)(4,10,5)(6,8,7)^G, (1,2)(3,4,5,10,9,7,6,8)^G, 
  (1,2)(3,7,5,8,9,4,6,10)^G, (1,2,3,7,6)(4,8,5,9,10)^G ]
gap> Length(cc);

Let's take the 2nd of them:

gap> c:=cc[2];

It contains 180 elements:

gap> Size(c);

and you can test membership of group elements in the conjugacy class as follows:

gap> (3,7,9,4)(5,10,6,8) in c;
gap> (3,7,6,8) in c;

Conjugacy class is not internally represented as a list of its elements - that would be very inefficient (for example, for algorithms that need only representatives of conjugacy classes). But if you need to get a list if all elements of the class, you can get them as follows:

gap> AsList(c);
[ (3,4,9,7)(5,8,6,10), (3,7,9,4)(5,10,6,8), (2,6,9,10)(4,7,8,5), 
  (2,10,9,6)(4,5,8,7), (2,10,7,5)(3,6,8,9), (2,5,7,10)(3,9,8,6), 
  (2,3,6,7)(4,9,10,8), (2,7,6,3)(4,8,10,9), (2,9,5,4)(3,8,10,7), 
  (1,9,6,10)(3,7,4,8), (1,10,6,9)(3,8,4,7), (1,3,4,10)(5,6,8,9), 
  (1,10,4,3)(5,9,8,6), (3,8,9,10)(4,5,7,6), (3,10,9,8)(4,6,7,5) ]

This may be very memory inefficient for large groups, but you can also iterate over its elements as follows:

gap> for x in c do
> Print(x,"\n");
> od;
( 3, 4, 9, 7)( 5, 8, 6,10)
( 3, 7, 9, 4)( 5,10, 6, 8)
( 3, 8, 9,10)( 4, 5, 7, 6)
( 3,10, 9, 8)( 4, 6, 7, 5)

without constructing the whole list, and also use enumerator which will give you a list-like behaviour:

gap> enum:=Enumerator(c);
<enumerator of (3,4,9,7)(5,8,6,10)^G>
gap> enum[2];
gap> Position( enum, (3,7,9,4)(5,10,6,8) );
gap> Position( enum, (3,7,6,8) );

also without constructing the whole list.

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