[Math] Linearly independent random variables and independent random variables

independencelinear algebraprobabilityrandom variables

Does one of these two assertions imply the other ?

(1) $X_1, X_2, …, X_n$ are linearly independent random variables (i.e. $\lambda_1 X_1 + \lambda_2 X_2 + … + \lambda_n X_n = 0$ => $\lambda_1 =\lambda_2=…=\lambda_n=0$)


(2) $X_1, X_2, …, X_n$ are independent random variables (stochastically independent)

If not, is there some special cases for which one implication (1=>2 or 2=>1) is true (Gaussian law? etc.)

Best Answer

Neither implies the other.

As a counterexample of $1 \Rightarrow 2$ take $X_1 = X,\ X_2 = X^2$ for some r.v. $X$, say $X\sim U(0,1)$. They are of course not stochastically independent, but should be linearly independent.

For $2 \Rightarrow 1$, just use a.s. constant $X_1, X_2$. The are stochastically independent, but not linearly independent.