[Math] Linear transformation onto and one to one

linear algebra

(1)If a linear transformation $T:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R^m}$ maps $\mathbb{R}^n$ onto

$\mathbb{R^m}$ what is the relation between m and n?

(2)If T is one to one what is the relationship between m and n.

For the first question I think $m>n$ because if you try to do for example $R^3 \rightarrow R^4$

you have a matrix $A=4×3$, 4 rows and three columns and this cannot span $R^4$. As you cannot have 4 pivot.

For the second I think $n<m$ because if $R^4 \rightarrow R^3$ because if you have a A=3×4 matrix then one will always be linear independnet.

But I am not sure if my justfication is correct.

Best Answer

If $T: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ is onto then $m\leq n$.

If $T: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ is one-to-one then $m\geq n$.

Note in particular that it is possible to have $m$ and $n$ equal.

To prove this, you can make use of the fact (you might know this, might now) that the dimension of the image of a linear map is always less than or equal to the dimension of the domain. (To prove this fact, try to start with a basis and see what happens.)