Linear Programming – Minimizing Absolute Values and Formulating in LP

linear programming

Look for $x$ that minimizes $\sum_i| x – a_i|$ with numbers $a_1,\ldots, a_N$ that are given and formulate this as a LP.

I have searched online and found that first of all this $\sum_i| x – a_i|$ should be made linear. The book that I have (aimms optimization modeling) didn't really intuitively help me to grasp how this can be done.

Best Answer

Here's a simple example to get you started:

$\min | x-3 | $

subject to

$x \leq 2$.

The key to formulating these problems is introducing auxilliary variables and additional constraints. Add the constraints

$t \geq (x-3)$


$t \geq -(x-3)$.

Since $|x-3|$ is either $+(x-3)$ or $-(x-3)$, these constraints ensure that

$t \geq | x-3|$.

Now, minimize $t$. This will ensure that $t$ is no bigger than $|x-3|$.
So, our problem is

$\min t$

subject to

$t \geq (x-3)$

$t \geq -(x-3)$

$x \leq 2$.

It's important to understand that this technique doesn't work to maximize $|x-3|$.

You can easily extend this to more than one absolute value term, but you'll need an additional variable for each term.