[Math] Linear Programming Formulation of Traveling Salesman (TSP) in Wikipedia

integer programminglinear programmingoperations researchoptimization

I am confused by Wikipedia's Linear Programming formulation of the Traveling Salesman Problem, in say the objective function.

Question: If there are n cities indexed 1,...,n, what is city with index 0?

This can be seen in the objective function which has the summation of $c_{ij} x_{ij}$ from i=0...n. Also seen in the third and forth constraint.

enter image description here

It seems like Wikipedia's ILP formulation of the TSP is wrong/incomplete. What changes are needed to make it correct?

There is also an older/different version of the formulation, is this correct?

enter image description here

And another one found on Stackexchange

enter image description here

Best Answer

Example: Lp Formulation of TSP

Consider the following distance-matrix of 4-Cities TSP:


From 1 2 3 4


13 21 26 2 10

29 20 3 30 20 5 4 12 30 7

Exclude the the Diagonal Variables (X11, X22, X33, X44) from the Distance Table as shown above

The following table represents the Assignment Model + the Additional Constraints resulting from ui – uj + n xij <= n-1; i,j = 2, . ., n & i ≠ j

n = 4 ui – uj + n xij <= 3; i,j = 2, . ., n & i ≠ j

n xij + ui – uj <= 3

4 X23 + U2 – U3 ≤ 3 (i = 2, j = 3) 4 X24 + U2 – U4 ≤ 3 (i = 2, j = 4) 4 X32 + U3 – U2 ≤ 3 (i = 3, j = 2) 4 X34 + U3 – U4 ≤ 3 (i = 3, j = 4) 4 X42 + U4 – U2 ≤ 3 (i = 4, j = 2) 4 X43 + U4 – U3 ≤ (i = 4, j = 3)

V’s X12 X13 X14 X21 X23 X24 X31 X32 X34 X41 X42 X43 U2 U3 U4
OF 13 21 26 10 29 20 30 20 5 12 30 7

1 1 1 1 = 1 2 1 1 1 = 1 3 1 1 1 = 1 4 1 1 1 = 1 5 1 1 1 = 1 6 1 1 = 1 7 1 1 1 = 1 8 1 1 1 = 1 9 4 1 -1 ≤ 3 10 4 1 -1 ≤ 3 11 1 -1 1 ≤ 3 12 1 1 -1 ≤ 3 13 4 -1 1 ≤ 3 14 1 -1 1 ≤ 3

The associated LP consists of the Assignment Model + the Additional Constraints.

Minimize 13X12 + 21X13 + 26X14 + 10X21 + 29X23 + 20X24 + 30X31 + 20X32 + 5X34 + 12X41 + 30X42 + 7X43 s.to: C1 1X12 + 1X13 + 1X14 = 1 C2 1X21 + 1X23 + 1X24 = 1 C3 1X31 + 1X32 + 1X34 = 1 C4 1X41 + 1X42 + 1X43 = 1

C5 1X21 + 1X31 + 1X41 = 1 C6 1X12 + 1X32 + 1X42 = 1 C7 1X13 + 1X23 + 1X43 = 1 C8 1X14 + 1X24 + 1X34 = 1

C9 4X23 + 1U2 - 1U3 <= 3 C10 4X24 + 1U2 - 1U4 <= 3 C11 4X32 - 1U2 + 1U3 <= 3 C12 4X34 + 1U3 - 1U4 <= 3 C13 4X42 - 1U2 + 1U4 <= 3 C14 4X43 - 1U3 + 1U4 <= 3 Integer: U2, U3, U4 Binary: All Xs

Solution Summary for LP of TSP:

Decision Solution Unit Cost or
Variable Value Profit C(j) 1 X12 1.0000 13.0000 2 X13 0 21.0000 3 X14 0 26.0000 4 X21 0 10.0000 5 X23 1.0000 29.0000 6 X24 0 20.0000 7 X31 0 30.0000 8 X32 0 20.0000 9 X34 1.0000 5.0000
10 X41 1.0000 12.0000 11 X42 0 30.0000 12 X43 0 7.0000
13 U2 0 0
14 U3 1.0000 0
15 U4 2.0000 0

Objective Function (Min.) =  59.0000    

The Route is: X12 – X23 – X34 – X41 = 59

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