[Math] Linear Maps and Basis of Domain

linear algebralinear-transformations

I don't understand the theorem from Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right:

Suppose $v_1,v_2,…,v_n$ is a basis of $V$ and $w_1,….,w_n \in W$. Then there exists a unique linear map $T: V \to W$ such that $Tv_j = w_j$ for $j = 1,…,n$

What is this trying to say? I don't understand.

In addition, I don't understand the proof of this by construction. How does this show it exists, and how does the uniqueness proof indeed show that it is unique?

Best Answer

It says that once you know how $T$ acts on a basis, you know how it acts on ALL vectors $v\in V$. To see this, suppose we have defined $T$ on , $\left \{ v_{1}, v_{2},v_{3}\cdots v_{n}\right \}$, a basis for $V$:

$Tv_{1}=w_{1}, Tv_{2}=w_{2}, \cdots ,Tv_{n}=w_{n}$

We can express $v$ as a linear combnation of the basis vectors, by writing

$v=a_{1}v_{1}+a_{2}v_{2}+a_{3}v_{3}\cdots a_{n}v_{n}$.

Now apply $T$:

$Tv=T(a_{1}v_{1}+a_{2}v_{2}+a_{3}v_{3}\cdots a_{n}v_{n})$.

But $T$ is linear so we get

$Tv=a_{1}Tv_{1}+a_{2}Tv_{2}+a_{3}Tv_{3}\cdots a_{n}Tv_{n}$.

So the effect of $T$ on our arbitrary $v$ only depended on how we defined $T$ on the basis $\left \{ v_{1}, v_{2},v_{3}\cdots v_{n}\right \}$