[Math] Linear evolution equation inequality (Evans chapter 7 problem 9)

analysispartial differential equations

I'm trying to prove an inequality from Evans' PDE book (Chapter 7 Problem 9). It's inequality (54) in $\S7.1.3$ and (59) in $\S7.2.3$.

Given $u \in H^2(U) \cap H_0^1(U)$ there exists constants $\beta > 0$, $\gamma \ge 0$ such that
\beta ||u||_{H^2(U)}^2 \le (Lu, -\Delta u) + \gamma ||u||_{L^2(U)}^2

Hint: Assume $u$ smooth, $u=0$ on $\partial U$. Transform the term $(Lu, -\Delta u)$ by integrating by parts twice and then estimate the boundary terms.
After changing variables locally and using cutoff functions, you may assume the boundary is flat.

My Attempt:
Integration by parts twice
(Lu, -\Delta u)
& = -\int_U Lu\, \Delta u dx \\
& = \int_U D Lu \cdot Du\, dx – \int_{\partial U} Lu \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} dx \\
& = \int_U \Delta Lu \, u dx + \int_{\partial U} \left(u \frac{\partial Lu}{\partial \nu} – Lu \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu}\right) dx

If we assume $u=0$ on $\partial U$ then one of the boundary terms will be zero.

Best Answer

A partial answer.

In the book by Gilbarg and Trudinger it is proved the following (Theorem 8.12, page 186 of the last edition). I simplify the statement a little bit.

$f \in L^2(U)$ and $\varphi \in H^2(U)$ are given. If $L$ is strictly elliptic with smooth coefficients and the boundary of the domain $U$ is regular, then the solution of $$ \begin{aligned} &Lu = f \text{ in } U\\ &u-\varphi \in H^2(U) \end{aligned} $$ satisfies $$ \|u\|_{H^2(U)}^2 \leq C(\|u\|_{L^2(U)}^2+\|f\|_{L^2(U)}^2+\|\varphi\|_{H^2(U)}^2). $$ $C$ depends on $L,U$. The theorem is written without squared norms, but you can switch from one to the other easily.

Using this theorem it can be proved that (this is Evans exercise in the case $L = -\Delta$) if $u \in H^2(U) \cap H_0^1(U)$, then $$ \|u\|_{H^2(U)}^2 \leq C(\|u\|_{L^2(U)}^2+\|-\Delta u\|_{L^2(U)}^2). $$ Just set $f = \Delta u \in L^2(U)$. A solution of $$ \begin{aligned} &\Delta w = f \text{ in } U\\ &w = 0 \text { on } \partial U \end{aligned} $$ must satisfy $$ \|w\|_{H^2(U)}^2 \leq C(\|w\|_{L^2(U)}^2+\|-\Delta w\|_{L^2(U)}^2). $$ but $u$ itself is a solution of that problem. Actually the book by Evans is also a reference for this theorem.

To prove the exercise in general one should prove that $$ \theta\|-\Delta w\|_{L^2(U)}^2 \leq (Lu,-\Delta u), $$ where $\theta$ is $L$ ellipticity constant. This can be easily seen in dimension 1, but I did not do the computation in higher dimension. This last point should be checked.