Linear Equations Solution – Ax = b Solvability and Rank Condition

linear algebramatricessystems of equations


Given a system of linear equations $Ax = b$ where $A \in M_{m \times n}\left(\mathbb{R}\right)$, $ x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}_\text{col} $, $ b \in \mathbb{R}^{m}_\text{col}$

Deduce that a solution $x$ exists if and only if $\operatorname{rank}\left(A|b\right) = \operatorname{rank}\left(A\right)$ where $A|b$ is the augmented coefficient matrix of this system

I am having trouble proving the above theorem from my Linear Algebra course, I understand that A|b must reduce under elementary row operations to a form which is consistent but I don't understand exactly why the matrix A|b need have the same rank as A for this to happen.

Please correct me if I am mistaken

Best Answer

To see this note that rank of the matrix is dimension of the span of columns of the matrix. Now if $Ax=b$ has solution, then it means that some linear combination of columns of A gives us b, which implies that $b$ lies in $span(A)$ and so $rank(A|b)=rank(A)$. You can argue similarly in the reverse direction.