[Math] Linear algebra references for a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics

hilbert-spaceslinear algebraquantum mechanicsreference-request

I'm a graduate student studying quantum mechanics/quantum information and would like to consolidate my understanding of linear algebra. What are some good math
books for that purpose?

Best Answer

Going in line with what Methemagician1234 has told you I will put on the table other books on functional analysis that make connections to quantum mechanics. However, being a quantum chemist by formation I recognize that a lot of research does not deal directly with the infinite dimensional Hilbert space, but with its simulation on a finite dimensional space. So, a deep understanding of linear algebra is not only useful for understanding the foundation of functional analysis but also for the computer modeling of quantum phenomena. These are the resources:

As for the linear algebra books:

  • Linear Algebra for Quantum Theory, by Per-Olov Löwdin is an attempt to explain linear algebra to those learning quantum theory starting from a very low level. It is written by a physicist.