[Math] Linear Algebra: Preserving the null space

linear algebra

What does it mean when a book says that row operations preserve the null space? And why should that be true? I have read that row operations are equivalent to multiplying a vector on the left by an invertible elementary matrix. And I think I understand that the nullspace is the set of all vectors from $u \in U$ which get mapped to the zero vector in $V$ if $T:U\rightarrow V$ is linear. But I'm still not sure what this means.

Best Answer

It means that performing an elementary row operation on a matrix does not change the null space of the matrix. That is, if $A$ is a matrix, and $E$ is an elementary matrix of the appropriate size, then the matrix $EA$ has the same null space as $A$.

To see why this is true, suppose first that $x$ is in the null space of $A$. This means that $Ax=\vec 0$. Multiplying both sides of this equation by $E$, we see that $(EA)x=E\vec 0 =\vec 0$, meaning that $x$ is also in the null space of $EA$. Now suppose that $x$ is in the null space of $EA$, so that $(EA)x=\vec 0$. As you mentioned, $E$ is invertible, so we can multiply this equation by $E^{-1}$:

$$Ax=IAx=(E^{-1}E)Ax=E^{-1}(EA)x=E^{-1}\vec 0=\vec 0\;,$$

showing that $x$ is in the null space of $A$. In other words, a vector is in the null space of $EA$ if and only if it is in the null space of $A$, and $EA$ and $A$ have the same null space.