[Math] linear algebra linear transformation two.

linear algebra


$$A=\begin{bmatrix}1&1&-2\\0&1&1\\-2&-1&5\end{bmatrix}\quad\text{ and }\quad b=\begin{bmatrix}3\\-1\\-7\end{bmatrix}\;.$$

Define the linear transformation $T: {\mathbb R}^3 \rightarrow {\mathbb R}^3$ as $T(x) = Ax$.
Find a vector $x$ whose image under $T$ is $b$.

$x =$

Is the vector $x$ unique? (enter YES or NO)

Best Answer

so we want a vector $(x,y,z)$ such that when premultiplied by A gives us b.

so therefore $x+y-2z=3$, $y+z=-1 $and $-2x-y-5z=-1$. We are allowed multiply these equations by constants and add these equations. (left side with left and right with right. As you can see, (if we ignore the variables and just look at the coefficients this is the same as adding one row of the matric to another and multiplying one row with another. Therefore we can work with matrices. Where each row contains the coefficients of the variables on the first three columns and the constant to which they add up on the right side.

So at the start we have.


Then we switch the second and third rows


add twice the first one to the second one


and then subtract the second one from the third one to get


We can simplify a bit more by subtracting the second row from the first:


This says that $x_1-3x_3=4$ and $x_2+x_3=-1$, or

$$\left\{\begin{align*} x_1&=4+3x_3\\ x_2&=-1-x_3\;, \end{align*}\right.$$

where $x_3$ can be any real number whatsoever. Taking $x_3=0$ makes the calculation very easy and gives us one solution:


But this is clearly not unique: we get infinitely many other solutions by changing the value of $x_3$.