[Math] Linear Algebra and planes in Cartesian space

linear algebravectors

I was asked this question from the course Linear Algebra and I need to show all working.

The question is in 5 parts:

Consider the xyz-space R3 with the origin O. Let l be the line given by the Cartesian equation $$x = \frac{z – 1}2, y = 1 $$ Let p be the plane given by the Cartesian equation $$2 x + y – z = 1$$

a) Find two unit vectors parallel to the line l.

b) Find the point Q which is the intersection of the plane p and z-axis.

c) Take n = 2 i + jk as a normal vector of the plane p. Decompose the vector QO into the sum of two vectors: one of them is parallel to n and the other one is orthogonal to n.

d) The plane p divides R3 into two parts. Find the unit vector perpendicular to p and pointing into the part containing the origin O.

e) Let P(x, y, z) be a point on the line l. Letting x = t for some constant t, find the y and z coordinates of P. Calculate the distance from P to the plane p.

I would like to thank everyone who takes time in helping me with this problem and I really appreciate the help.

Thanks again.

Best Answer

for part d), i'm not 100% sure but couldn't we say that it will either be the normal vector n, or the one in the opposite direction -n? and then use the formula for a distance (d) from a point P (the origin) to a plane containing Q (found from part a) with normal vector (n) as d = |n.PQ|/|n|, but then take away the absolute values from the top part of the fraction to give us a "direction" to the distance between the plane and the origin and thus the unit vector will be the one with the same sign as that direction? like i said this could be total rubbish, but just a thought! :)