[Math] Line Integral Around a Triangle


Let $R$ be the interior of the triangle with vertices $(0,0), (4,2),$ and $(0,2)$. Let $C$ be the boundary of $R$, oriented counterclockwise. Now evaluate the integral below.

$$\int_C(y+e^\sqrt{x}) dx + (xe^{y^2}) dy$$

I know this has to be parametrized somehow, but I'm not sure where to start. Could someone show me how to set up the integral so it can be evaluated?


Best Answer

As Pringoooals suggested, use Green's Theorem. The key is to integrate $x$ first, then $y$.

$\displaystyle\int_C(y+e^\sqrt{x}) dx + (xe^{y^2}) dy = \iint_{\Omega}\left[\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}(xe^{y^2}) - \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}(y+e^{\sqrt{x}})\right]\,dx\,dy = \iint_{\Omega}(e^{y^2}-1)\,dx\,dy = \int_{0}^{2}\int_{0}^{2y}(e^{y^2}-1)\,dx\,dy = \int_{0}^{2}2y(e^{y^2}-1)\,dy = \left[e^{y^2}-y^2\right]_{0}^{2} = e^4-5$.