[Math] Lie Product Formula

linear algebra

Let $A$ and $B$ be finite-dimensional Hermitian matrices, and let $v$ $:=$ $max${$||A||,||B||$}.

Show that $||(e^{-iAt/m}e^{-iBt/m})^m -e^{-i(A+B)t}||\leq\epsilon$ provided $m = \Omega(v^2t^2/\epsilon)$.

Best Answer

HINT: Consider the product of power series $\exp(A/m)\exp(B/m) = I + \frac{A}{m} + \frac{B}{m} + O\left(\frac{1}{m^2}\right)$. Then use this to estimate the logarithm for sufficiently large $m$, then exponentiate and raise to the $m$-th power.

This is from the proof in section 2.4 of "Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations" by Brian C. Hall.

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