[Math] Liar or truth teller? Logic question


In a certain country every inhabitant is either a truth teller (who always tells the truth) or a liar (who always lies).

Traveling in this country you meet two of the inhabitants, Pat and Mel. Pat says, “If I am a truth teller, then Mel
is a truth teller.”

(a) Is Pat a truth teller or a liar?

(b) Is Mel a truth teller or a liar?

Provide mathematical justification for your answers.

Best Answer

Let $A = \text{'Pat is a truth teller'},\; B = \text{'Mel is a truth teller'}$. Then the statement is $S = A \to B$, that's equal to $S = \neg A \vee B$.

  1. $A=1 \Rightarrow S = 1 \Rightarrow B = 1$
  2. $A=0\Rightarrow S = 0 \Rightarrow S = 1 \vee B = 1$. Contradiction. So the are both truth tellers
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