[Math] Let $X$ be an infinite set with a topology $T$, such that every infinite subset of $X$ is closed. Prove that $T$ is the discrete topology.


Let $X$ be an infinite set with a topology $T$, such that every infinite subset of $X$ is closed. Prove that $T$ is the discrete topology.

I have somewhat of an answer but I don't think it's enough to prove it, especially with respect to the subsets being infinite.

Let $S$ be contained in $X$, then $X \setminus S$ is also contained in $X$. Therefore we can say that $X \setminus S$ is closed, therefore $S$ is open for any $S$ contained in $X$. Hence $T$ is the discrete topology.


Best Answer

If $X$ is infinite, let $x \in X$ ; it follows that since $\{x\}$ is finite, $X \backslash \{x\}$ is infinite, hence closed. Therefore, for any subset $S \subseteq X$, $$ S = \bigcup_{x \in S} \{x\} $$ is a union of open sets, thus open. This means $T$ is all subsets of $X$. You have the discrete topology.

Hope that helps,

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