[Math] Let $R$ be a ring that has no nonzero nilpotent commutators. If $e\in R$ is an idempotent, then $e\in Z(R)$.


Let $R$ be a ring that has no nonzero nilpotent commutators. If $e\in R$ is an idempotent, then $e\in Z(R)$.

I have a problem with proving this theorem. I don't know how to understand nonzero nilpotent commutators.

Best Answer

This appears to be a misstatement of the following theorem:

If $R$ is a ring with no nonzero nilpotent commutators, then all idempotents are central.

The reason is that if $e$ is idempotent, then $[e,er]^2=0$ and $[e,re]^2=0$. The condition that commutators which are nilpotent are zero forces $[e,er]=[e,re]=0$, and if you expand them this says that $er=ere=re$, showing that $e$ is central.

Edit: The OP was consequently edited to have the correctly stated problem.