[Math] Let $H, K$ be two subgroups of $G$. If $|H| = 12$ and $|K|=17$ then $H \cap K = \{e\}$


My reasoning:

Since $|K| = 17$ and $17$ is prime, then any subgroup of $K$ is cyclic. Also, the order of any subgroup must divide the order of the group. But since the subgroups of $K$ must have an order that divides $|G|$, the only possible order is $1$. Then, the group $K$ is generated by any element (except the identity). Since the order of the generator of a cyclic group is the same as the order of the group, the order of any element in $K$ except $e$ is $17$.

Now, in the other group, the order of each element may vary, since the order of a element $a \in H$ can't be higher than the order of the group, we have no elements with order $17$, then the only thing in common between $K$ ans $H$ is the identity.

Is my reasoning correct? Is there an easier way to solve this? I'm kinda assuming the last part

"the order of a element $a \in H$ can't be higher than the order of
the group"

Is there any way to justify this?

Best Answer

It is a much more general phenomena:
Claim: If $|H|=n$ and $|K|=m$ and $\gcd(m,n)=1$ then $H\cap K=\{e\}$.
Proof: Let $g\in H\cap K$. Then the order of $g$, $|g|$ divides both $n$ and $m$ (why?) and hence $|g|$ divides $1$ - so $g=1$.