[Math] Let $G$ be a simple graph. Show that $m\leq {n \choose 2}$, and determine when equality holds.

graph theoryproof-verification

I'm reading Bondy and Murthy's Graph Theory, and I'm doing the proposed exercise in the title. I've tried to do the following:

$m$: Edges

$n$: Vertices

A simple graph with $n$ vertices has a maximum of $m=(n-1)+(n-2)+\dots+(n-n)$ and hence


Which is $(n-1)$ times the number of $n$'s and the sum of the first $(n-1)$ natural numbers. Knowing that the maximum number of edges in a simple graph is ${n \choose 2}$, we can write:

{m}&\leq&{{n \choose 2}}\\
{n^2-n}&\leq&{n \cdot (n-1)}\\

Best Answer

Assume that $m\gt{n\choose 2}$ where the order and size of $G$ is $n$ and $m$, respectively. We know that $K_n$ has exactly ${n\choose 2}$ edges. Since $m\gt{n\choose 2}$ this implies that $G$ contains at least $1$ multiple edge which contradicts the fact that $G$ is simple. Thus for all simple graphs $G$ we know that $m\leq {n\choose 2}$.

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