[Math] let $f$ and $g$ be two functions from $[0,1]$ to $[0,1]$ with $f$ strictly increasing. Which of the follwing is true


let $f$ and $g$ be two functions from $[0,1]$ to $[0,1]$ with $f$ strictly increasing. Which of the follwing is true?

(a). If $g$ is continuous, then $f\circ g$ is continuous.

(b). If $f$ is continuous, then $f\circ g$ is continuous.

(c). If $f$ and $f\circ g$ are continuous, then $g$ is continuous.

(d). If $g$ and $f\circ g$ are continuous, then $f$ is continuous.

I guessed this

$f$ is strictly increasing $\implies$ $f$ is continuous on $[0,1]$ So, If $g$ is continuous then $f\circ g$ is continuous. Is my approach is correct?
If i am right, why the others are wrong? can you give a counter examples for that?

Best Answer

Only statement (c) is true.

Hint: if $f$ is continuous and strictly increasing, it has a continuous (left-)inverse $f^{-1}$. Consider $f^{-1} \circ f \circ g$.

Counterexamples, in no particular order:

  • $f(x) = x$, $g(x)$ is discontinuous
  • $f$ is increasing but discontinuous, $g$ is a constant function
  • $f$ is increasing but discontinuous, $g(x) = x$

An example of a strictly increasing discontinuous function: $$ f(x) = \begin{cases} x/3 & x \in [0,1/2)\\ (x+1)/3 & x \in [1/2,1] \end{cases} $$

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