Geometry – Cyclic Quadrilateral Side Lengths and Ratio of Diagonals


Let $ABCD$ be a cyclic quadrilateral with side lengths $AB=p,BC=q,CD=r,DA=s$.Show that $\dfrac{AC}{BD}=\dfrac{ps+qr}{pq+rs}$.

My work:
I have found out that this follows from Ptolemy's Second Theorem but cannot prove it.Please help! With or without Ptolemy is fine, I do not have any restriction.

Best Answer

As you've said this follows immidiatelly from the Second Ptolemy Therem. Here's the proof for it.

Note that in every triangle we have:

$$bc = 2Rh_{a}$$

This follows from the formula for area of triangle: $P = \frac{abc}{4R}$

Note: Vertex C and vertex D need to switch places.

So from $\triangle ABD$ and $\triangle BCD$ in the picture we have:

$$ad = 2Rh_1 \quad \quad \text { and } \quad \quad {bc = 2Rh_2}$$

Adding this we have:

$$ad + bc = 2Rh_1 + 2Rh_2$$

From the right trinagles, where $AK$ and $KD$ are hypothenyses we have:

$$h_1 = AK \cdot \sin w \quad \quad \text { and } \quad \quad {h_2 = KC \cdot \sin w}$$

Substitunting we have:

$$ad + bc = 2R \sin w (AK + KC) = 2R \cdot AC \sin w$$

Simularly we have:

$$ab + cd = 2R \cdot BD \sin (\pi - w)$$

But $\sin w = \sin (\pi - w)$, so we have:

$$\frac{ad + bc}{ab + cd} = \frac{2R \cdot AC \sin w}{2R \cdot BD \sin (\pi - w)} = \frac{AC}{BD}$$

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