[Math] Let $a=43120$ How many positive divisors does a have


I am doing a review assignment and I'm stuck on this problem.

a) How many positive divisors does $a$ have? I got $60$

b) How many positive integers less than $a$ are relatively prime to $a$? I got $720$

c) What is the smallest positive integer $m$ such that $a^2m$ is a cube?

d) list all positive divisors $b$ of a for which a divides $b^2$ is also true.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and help!

Best Answer

First, note that $43120 = 2^\color{red}{4}\cdot 5^\color{blue}{1}\cdot 7^\color{green}{2}\cdot 11^\color{purple}{1}$.

Part A

The number of positive integer divisors is the product of one plus each exponent in the prime factorization. That is, $$d(43120) = \color{red}{(4+1)}\color{blue}{(1+1)}\color{green}{(2+1)}\color{purple}{(1+1)} = (5)(2)(3)(2) = 60$$

Part B

The number of positive integers coprime to $43120$ can be found using Euler's Totient function, $\phi(n)$. Since $\phi$ is multiplicative for coprime integers:

$$\phi(43120) = \phi(2^4)\phi(5)\phi(7^2)\phi(11)$$

Also, $\phi(p^n) = p^{n-1}(p-1)$ for prime integers $p$. Then:

$$\begin{align}\phi(43120) &= \left[2^3(2-1)\right]\left[5-1\right]\left[7^1(7-1)\right]\left[11-1\right]\\ &= 8\cdot4\cdot 42\cdot 10\\ &= 13440 \end{align}$$

Part C We want all exponents of $a^2$ to be multiples of three, and we want the smallest such exponents. $$\left(2^\color{red}{4}\cdot 5^\color{blue}{1}\cdot 7^\color{green}{2}\cdot 11^\color{purple}{1}\right)^2 = 2^\color{red}{8}\cdot 5^\color{blue}{2}\cdot 7^\color{green}{4}\cdot 11^\color{purple}{2}$$ Well, it is easy to see that we need to add $1$ to the first exponent, $1$ to the second, $2$ to the third and $1$ to the fourth. Thus, our integer $m$ is: $$m= 2^\color{red}{1}\cdot 5^\color{blue}{1}\cdot 7^\color{green}{2}\cdot 11^\color{purple}{1}$$

Part D This is a similar exponent-related trick as in part c if I'm thinking it through correctly. I'll leave this one as an exercise to the reader. :)